Tuesday, December 19, 2023

What’s wrong with electric cars?

There is not a week that goes by without my receiving a message informing me how nefarious electrical cars can be on people, the environment and on life in general. Sometimes, some people who send me these messages even know that I own an electric vehicle (EV), but they probably communicate these first-world concerns because they care so intensely about me. 

So what do I do? I make sure to respond to them. Generally by saying that EV aren’t for everyone and certainly not for folks who are afraid of, or simply don’t understand yet, progress and modernity. I continue by saying that I bought the car to curb my greenhouse emissions (what a concept!) and am ready in making that effort to accept the tiny sacrifice of the few drawbacks linked to EV that millions have already learned to live with (range anxiety and the like). 

I also tell them that in order to reduce its carbon footprint developed nations will have to make many more sacrifices (Right? Why not begin with that one?). But I will never forget to say that, overall, like millions of other EV owners, I’m totally enchanted with my car. 

I always conclude by saying that these anti-EV reports are concocted and spread by fossil-fuel interests in an effort to spook credulous people, and stress one should always look for the source of what they want to send their friends, before hitting the “SEND” button...

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