Saturday, December 23, 2023

Macron’s communication skills

On December 20, Emmanuel Macron, France’s president said: “I’m a great admirer of Gérard Depardieu; he’s an immense actor … a genius of his art. He has made France known across the whole world. And, I say this as president and as a citizen, he makes France proud.” 

This pronouncement was made while the Fremch actor Gérard Depardieu is under formal investigation for rape and is facing fresh scrutiny over sexist comments. Feminists and politicians on the left have condemned Macron’s lavish praise of the actor as sending some massive support to the man being investigated for rape.

Macron had also said when asked by the France 5 broadcaster about the possibility of stripping Depardieu of a state award after a documentary showed footage of sexist and inappropriate behavior by the star: “You will never see me participate in a manhunt … hate that type of thing,” 

Well, that Depardieu is the greatest French actor is subject to discussion, at least in my opinion, and while I agree that the presumption of innocence is a key element with anyone indicted of a crime, so is the presumption of damage made to the victims. Once more, Macron stuck his foot in his mouth and showed that he was a terrible communicator and that expressing himself was his Achilles heel. 

Just like saying that Hitler was a damned good painter as he invaded Poland. Before his mandate is over, Macron should invest some quality time in taking a good communication course. If not, hire and listen to an real advisor that tells him how to express his ideas to his constituents.

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