What’s more amazing however is that not one so-called expert has seen that wave of financial disasters coming (subprime mess, securitizing of derivatives, collapse of investment houses). Where were the press and especially the Wall Street Journal which is both the financial standard and the pillar of conservatism in this country?

Like an airplane cockpit, our financial system has become so complex and so interrelated that it is impossible to find a sound emergency procedure; instead, it’s tempting to try “voodoo salvage operations”. Without question, Bernanke is faced with an impossible task but with only two levers that seem to respond; lower interest rates and making the dollar will even lower and be ready to print heaps of money. Of course, should he do nothing Wall Street will cry bloody murder... At the end of all this – assuming the economy makes it through it okay – we will all pay for that mess under the form of higher taxes, higher cost of living and economic slowdown. And it’s not just only us Americans, but the Europeans, Japanese and Chinese as well, if all of them want to keep on trading with us. At the all of the world (developed and developing) will pick up the tab for the policies Bush and Cheney triggered in the first place. Way to lead America!
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