Friday, August 13, 2010

Redefining who we are...

As time goes on, we're shaped more often by our experiences and by outside events. Over time, these exterior factors affect our values, the way we act, think and see the world. That change is mostly passive and generally happens without us being even aware of that transformation. This is perhaps why some more conscious and controlled ways to make adjustments to our changing values might be in order at regular intervals in order to keep a certain control upon the way we inevitably end up thinking and acting.

From a practical standpoint, this calls for a critical re-assessment of who we are and what we do. Although quite logical, this process feels very unnatural and demands a real effort in making time for it and thinking it through carefully. How often should we do it? At least every five years, and maybe more often if we can. How should we proceed? I don't know any existing “step-by-step” method that might help and haven't thought of a method yet, but there might be ideas out there and if not, I might want to design one...

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