Monday, October 31, 2016

Lucky to have made it so far!

When I was born, both my parents wanted me and needed me like another hole in their head. They had one girl and one boy, nine and seven years earlier, the Second World War was finally over and as a result they felt much tired and older after all the stress they had to endure, and could certainly have done much better without me.

So, my saving grace was the lack of effective birth-control products and methods, a tight-knit rural society with a strong religious oversight. Without any of that, I might not have made it to this world. I've always realized how lucky I was to “dodge” the proverbial bullet.

This is probably a huge reason why I love life so much and cherish every moment of it. This is also why, considering how lucky I was to make it here, I want to have as much control over my pathway and destiny as possible.

That's right, I fully appreciate my extraordinary luck and all the wonders life has brought to me. I can only hope it will last as long as possible under the best imaginable circumstances.

Today, making it last and enhancing every living moment is what my life is all about...

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