Saturday, August 20, 2022

A trapper’s patience

A little over a year ago, tired of having all of my strawberries and lettuces eaten by visiting deer and rabbits, I first focused on sanctioning the smallest of the creatures by studying existing rabbit traps and then, when I found a design that appealed to me, built a copy myself. 

Since that time, the wooden trap has stood guard in one corner of our garden, but until this summer had fail to attract any small critters that could fit inside its narrow volume. When the tell-tell sign that its long stick stood vertically, it indicated that I had trapped someone, but in a huge majority of cases it was only a false-alert caused by the wind, a smart animal that didn’t get fully in, or some unsolved mystery. 

In July, though, we caught a squirrel like the many that roam around the house and don’t eat my lettuces. So that first prisoner was forgiven and liberated on the spot. Then two weeks ago, I finally caught a rabbit that, on account of his small size, was released on the spot at my wife categorical demand. 

Again, two days ago, it was rabbit number two, a bit larger, but still eligible for parole, so my merciful wife freed it as shown on the video below… We’re now seriously become both serious but compassionate trappers! 

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