Sunday, August 28, 2022

Getting to be… 75!

Recently, my French buddies from my hometown that are my age got together for a good lunch near a picturesque alpine lake and seemingly had a fabulous time. I got to see the pictures and wish I was there with them to celebrate!

Sure, most of them don’t like exactly the same way they did when we were in our twenties, but they’re still there enjoying their silver years and capable of having fun together. This brings me to the subject of being able to enjoy life to its fullest no matter how far along we are, even as we get dangerously closer to the precipice that will unavoidably “drop” us to the “other side”. 

I think about an empty basket that wait for me, empty at the dawn of each, waiting to be filled. If it has to filled, I might as well put good things, well very, very good things inside it, right? So that become my daily plan, to find good things to place delicately inside my basket, so when the day come to an end I can marvel at its content and let people who are near me share in my amazement. 

I find that approach super simple, always changing, forcing me to think more creatively and so rewarding that I really believe I’ve locked into something really good!

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