Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Dream I never had

Like anyone my age, I had my share of dreams, some wonderful, some mediocre, some downright awful (we call that nightmare), in all kind of settings, situations or time period. 

Many that I can recall came up to me because of excessive stress during my working life and lingered for a very long time. It’s only now that they are much milder and far less anguishing. 

Yet, in all these years and as far as I can remember, I never dreamed of being on a pair of skis, actually skiing and having the fun of my life! This, in spite of the fact that skiing has always been my number one pursuit and passion in life. 

Sure, I have had dreams about professional in ski business, at the ski shows, but the life of me, I never dreamed of having and enjoying a pleasurable ski run. 

Of course, I wonder why that situation is the way it is. It might be that my ski reality is so good and so perfect that there is absolutely no need for me to get it spoiled by a less-than-perfect dream!

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