Thursday, August 4, 2022

Finding one’s highest and best purpose in life

This, to me is the starting point of any lifetime self-search and may help determine if we have a pleasant or a miserable life. 

It should also enable us to never “work” one single day for the remaining of our lives. So, even at my age, it’s never too late to investigate and find that secret talent that we all have but can’t seem to perceive. This is true for everything we do in life from our business to personal or leisure endeavors. The key is to find these hidden talents are skills that we never knew we had. Obviously, as adults, many of us think we know what we’re good - and not so good – at, but we may not be that good at identifying what these best talents are; in fact, they can be right in front of us, and we’ll still be unable to spot them. 

Even though this might sound a bit awkward, one of the best ways to uncover these hidden talents is to ask the people around us, like family, friends, and coworkers. They might have a better view at what make us unique by pointing out some of our strengths if can’t see them ourselves. 

For that we must pick people that are likely to provide us with honest feedback of what they think our hidden talents might be. Let’s not limit them to one talent in particular, but ask them to give us two or three things that stand out.  Obviously it should be easy to identify what our best skills already are, like things we find extremely easy to do while others may struggle or muddle their way through… 

Finally, the most important track should be to look at what we enjoy doing the most, whether it’s professionally, personally or just to have fun. If you are drawn toward it, it could too, be a hidden talent. 

In the unlikely event that all the above fails, then we only have one recourse left, that is to take a big leap into the unknown and do something outside your comfort zone. We might be surprised, at least that what I hope!

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