Monday, December 12, 2022

A creative political contribution

Yesterday, as we were walking on our snowy roads, we ran into many elk droppings all over the place and this reminded me of a political contribution we made several years ago.

In America, politicians constantly ask their constituents for money in order to get elected. In fact, that’s their primary job, much more so than making laws and governing. 

Prior to 2016 and until that time, it wasn’t uncommon for us to get requests from both parties since we were registered as Independents. Once too many, we got that request from the Trump campaign to pitch in some money, including a self-reply postage-paid envelope. We hated the guy from the get go. 

That’s when I got the brilliant idea of filling the envelope with several dozens of solid deer dropping that are common place in our yard and mail them to the Trump campaign. 

I took a real pleasure in imagining the dry beads literally exploding and rolling in multiple directions off the desk and into the large room where the envelope had been opened. 

A cherished vision I could take to the bank.

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