Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Effort, the gift that keeps on giving!

There are many points in life when we believe we won’t need to make any efforts… forever! 

For instance, when we get out of school, when we’re released from military duties and of course, for those of us who finally decide to retire. At long last, we can enjoy the effortless life we have been secretly dreaming of. 

The end of the rainbow, that special moment when we, at long last, can “live the dream” without hindrance or people watching over our shoulders and telling us what to do, all that without the fear of lacking anything.

This in fact rarely happens, if at all. At least, it has not happened for me. Instead, the pleasure of making some effort has been sneaking all along around me, and has earned a growing place in my life. 

It has covertly developed, like my passion for lifetime exercise sprung up out of a daily running routine and has spilled over my skiing, walking, hiking or doing a myriad of things every day. 

This need for effort has in reality increased in importance because I’ve let it, and have enjoyed its existence to the point that I couldn’t live without it. Effort makes me appreciate the results it brings into my life, is highly addictive, surrounds every moment of my existence and is something I look forward to every morning. 

In reality, it now makes me dread death, because it will also mean the end of my daily dose of efforts.

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