Friday, December 9, 2022

Winter Games 2030: Hurry up and Wait!

If you’ve been following the upcoming decision for the 2030 Winter Olympics, you may know that until recently, Salt Lake City, Sapporo and Vancouver were interested. 

Yet, last month the British Columbia government said it wouldn’t support a Vancouver bid, which could be a major setback to the 2010 host, even though the Canadian organizers haven’t said that the governmental decision would kill their bid.

Since all three cities are technically ready with existing infrastructures, their candidacies make some sense. 

With this in mind, the announcement by the Olympic Committee as to which city will be picked has been put on hold till the early Fall of 2023. That should leave the IOC some time to discuss climate change related issues, winter sport sustainability, and other issues. 

As for a Salt Lake City candidacy, I’m sure that the Mormon Church (and therefore its Theocratic State) would love to have them for propaganda purpose, but not me. 

We don’t need more traffic and people around Park City, unless the US Government is ready to pay for superior transit infrastructure like the Hyperloop or similar solutions, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on that one, that negotiation should have been done before receiving the Games!

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