Saturday, August 3, 2024

Why don’t we all boycott X (Twitter)

I used to admire Elon Musk, I even bought the car he makes, but in July 2023, after he bought Twitter and overtly became pro-Trump, I canceled my “X” account. I naively thought that Musk’s weirdness would generate a huge exodus towards other platforms, but it never happened, and to this day, I wonder why there hasn’t been a boycott of X. 

In fact, there might be reasons for it despite concerns about Elon Musk's behavior and decisions. First, there’s the matter of user habits, as the effort required to switch platforms or completely disengage from one like X can deter people from boycotting. 

Then, there’s the platform’s critical mass that becomes more valuable as more people use it. X/Twitter as a private company claims to have “200 to 250 million” daily active users across the world. . No similar site comes even close. 

Many users feel that they must stay on Twitter to keep in touch with friends, follow news, or engage with communities, making it harder to leave. Another point is where to go if one leaves? While there are alternative platforms, not all users find them appealing or effective for their needs. 

I must also recognize that people aren’t all like me, and have varying opinions on Musk's behavior and decisions. Some may feel that their individual actions, such as boycotting, won’t have much impact on the company or its leadership, leading them to stick to the platform. 

As importantly, social media is a source of entertainment and engagement and it’s not because some may disagree with certain behaviors that they’ll drop the platform. Unless there is a well orchestrated boycott led by influential personalities, after Musk pushes things one bridge too far, X or Twitter will continue its merry way. 

Too bad for me, but sometimes that’s what happens when one’s opinion isn’t part of the majority! Nov 10 2011

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