Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Starting our 40th year in Park City

Yesterday marked 39 years since our family got to Park City in the late summer of 1985 and we’re now beginning our fourth decade in that town. In retrospect, this was a wonderful move, but also a very gutsy one in the sense that we left a good job and a wonderful house on the East Coast for an unknown future in the west.

While our daughter was too young to appreciated it, both my wife and 6 years old son hated the treeless, desert-like place and it would require at least a year from them to adjust. Today, both love Utah as much as I do. This milestone illustrates also the power of dreams or the end result of the attainment of goals. 

One of mine was precisely to “own a contemporary home in the best part of the Rockies”. I think I nailed it!

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