Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump's press Confererence


As a study in human behavior, Trump is always interesting to watch. Thursday, August 8, was one to remember as he took the stand in a news conference at Mara Lago. 

Always a creative liar, a rambling Donald Trump repeated numerous falsehoods as he lashed out against Kamala Harris, his opponent in the presidential race. He didn’t have to do that. If he had been the good salesman a politician should be he could have said that the Harris-Walz ticket was an improvement over the Biden one, but was still way lower in quality than his own. 

He could have also added that the entire GOP side of Congress was getting his full support, and that luminaries like Elon Musk were thinking that he was indispensable to the health of the US economy. He didn’t have to shoot himself in the foot in that manner. Had he simply said that, he wouldn’t have had to insult his opponents, because by doing so, he insulted the intelligence of those who could still lend him an interested ear. 

He simply behaved – once again like a 10 years old or a dystopian version of Pinocchio. His profound nature is just mean, period. This speaks volume about the man’s intelligence.

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