Our health care crisis comes from a few simple facts; doctors make too much money, pharmaceutical companies charge excessively for their products and insurance companies run all the way to the bank with what they manage to extract from us. Make no mistake, a reasonable solution to the US health care crisis can only come from a single-payer system, making away with Big Insurance and starting to dictate what we, the public, can afford to pay doctor and hospitals. As for drug companies, a nation of 300 million people should be able to get better discounts that most other countries in the world, instead of paying through the nose for medicine as we now do.
With that in mind, little wonder why insurance companies are suddenly willing to “play nice” and appear ready to sit down and “talk” with congress; they're beginning to fear that if they refuse to step on board now, they might start triggering a nationwide call for that single-payer plan.

Then, what's the likely outcome? Simple, whatever new plan is developed won't be able to stop the runaway costs of three parties ingratiating themselves from our miseries. So later than sooner, we'll have have to either switch to a single-payer program or go broke as a nation. If our new administration and congress were a little bit smarter, they should save us this transitional stage...
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