Thursday, March 10, 2011

In Oil we Trust...

US Foreign policy isn't driven by some God in whom we pretend to trust, but by oil. Yeah the black, gooey stuff that comes out of the earth crust. Suffice to look at what we've done in Iraq, a country with some of the largest proven oil reserves and what we're not doing (yet) in Libya that only account for 2% of the planet's current supply of liquid fossil fuel. Also look at the crisis in Ivory Coast that mostly produces cocoa; the stand-off between Gbagbo and Ouattara is largely ignored by America and we could care less about what's happening in Haiti that only offers heartaches.

We're talking about new, alternative and renewable energies, but just only when it's convenient to us and never seem to seriously act on it. Now if gasoline gets to be around $4 a gallon, we get all worked up; it amounts to a true declaration of war. How are we going to quench the thirst of our massive SUVs? I now understand better that our former acting President Dick Cheney was really fueled by oil and not by some republican, conservative ideology. Today my question has become, “is oil addiction treatable?”

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