Monday, March 7, 2011

Will we ever learn?

When we go shopping or skiing, we never fail having difficulties finding our vehicles on the parking lot when we're done, especially if we haven't been very attentive as to the place we've parked them in the first place.
I'm not even talking about my spouse's car that's minuscule, but I'm writing this about my mid-size station-wagon. It's dwarfed in a sea of SUV that is hiding it. I would say that recently, this trend has been getting worse and it's true that the trend is exacerbated by car rental companies skilled at “selling up” wary visitors by scarring them into upgrading to even larger sport-utility vehicles.

At the same time, and as the Libyan crises keeps on lingering, gasoline prices keep on going up, more like what happened a few years ago. Yet, most people moving around Park City are all sitting in monstrous car guzzlers and complaining about the close-to-be $100 fill-up. As you might expect, I don't feel the least sorry for them and wish that our government would have the good sense to tax gasoline much more heavily as soon as the price at the pump begins to drop - if it ever does - when the current crisis is over. This might bring some reason to the size of the trucks that are driven around us and to gasoline consumption in general...

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