Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Second-guessing the Japanese

Over the past days, a large number of so-called nuclear experts have professed their views on how the Japanese should have handled the difficult crisis they're faced with, in addition to dealing with the aftermath of an extremely severe earthquake and devastating tsunami. There is not a day that goes by that I read about, watch or listen to some advice from folks that seem to know better than anyone what the Japanese ought to do.

This seems to me a little bit too much and I think that these self-proclaimed experts should first volunteer their seemingly free advice to the Japanese authorities before speaking from all side of their mouths about events that they probably don't fully grasp given their fleeting nature and their utter complexity. I for one, trust the Japanese people to know what they're doing and to act in the best interest of their people, their country and their culture.


William Bocq said...

You may have noticed that the media has made an ever growing usage of "talking heads" in the past few years, so called specialists on practically any subject that makes the news, from flood to goat cheese via wars or politics. It takes video time, looks intellectual and deep and is absolutely meaningless, but it is cheap. You can find a retired specialist just for the asking. The poor bastards are lining at the door for their 12 mn of exposure on national TV.
The real important people are there on site, doing the job beyond the camera lens, and many of them are not Japanese (Americans, French, German, Russian). If nothing else, the Japanese know their limitations and when to ask for help.
Good post my friend, I am getting bored with CNN, France 24 and the other networks.

Go 11 said...

Perhaps we both should go (part-time?) on the "talking heads" circuit and share some of our wisdom?

William Bocq said...

Yeah, but won't work. You have to take yourself seriously for this kind of job, make up ignorance with gravitas and cover stupidity with a look of deep concern (this last part is easy, they are the same facial expressions: deeply concerned at being so stupid).
we could not manage to stay serious after the third inane question.
Good try, though.