Monday, August 26, 2019

Cultural filter

I’ve lived for more than 42 years in America and my French upbringing has and continue to influence the ways I see, interpret and interact with my new host country.

Because I do my very best to remain in control of my thoughts and of my critical thinking, I believe that this approach has served me very well. It has given me and continues to provide me with a resulting personal culture that is a blend of the “best of both worlds”.

Sure, both countries have areas where their superiority shows over the other, and the idea is not to blindly adopt the host culture, but rather pick and choose and run with the winners in each categories. Evidently, and when possible or where I could control it, I did all that I could to steer clear of the less desirable trait of either country.

That’s pretty much the road I’ve chose to follow and it has rather served me very well. Instead of just “switching” cultures, I have done my very best to synergize my positive native background with my host country’s best idiosyncrasies...

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