Saturday, August 10, 2019

Worst tormentors, best teachers?

Try to run this simple exercise from your memory, while it still works decently well. Think of all the folks who have wronged you in a major way throughout your entire lifetime. Not small stuff, but real hardship.

You may get a variety of feelings ranging from contempt, to rage or urge to get even and even worse. Write down each instance, what exactly happened and what your current feelings are today, in one column.

On the next, write what you’ve learned – if anything – from that painful experience. If you’re like me, you must have learned something highly valuable from your encounter with these malevolent actors.

If you don’t immediately see a positive take-away, think again, revisit your memories, I’ll guarantee you that you will, unless the harm that was done too you is still so fresh that you’re still too emotional about it.

When you have done that work, review the entire summary, and to your surprise, you may discover that all the ill-will you harbored towards your tormentor has turned to total indifference.

Pretty amazing and cleansing isn’t it? (to be continued)

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