Thursday, August 1, 2019

More Dem debate…

On Tuesday night, we watched the second debate, and the first batch of Democrat candidates sparring at each other at that second debate.

After watching it all, we thought that both Sanders and Warren dominated, what made the difference with these two older candidates was how energized they were by their unbridled and forceful passion for what they believed, compared to the “flat” performance of the much younger individuals that were fighting to make a memorable statement and break out.

While both Sanders and Warren are criticized by some for their “far-left” platform, that will be conditioned by the make up of a future Senate, they have shown that they have enough energy and combat-readiness to successfully fight Trump should they get the nomination.
Before all, crushing Trump is priority number one! All the others are just too intellectuals, devoid of backbone to fight the monster we have as president.

This Nation needs to annihilate Trump first, and only when it’s achieved – as much as it sounds like putting the cart before the horse - will it be time to get a political program everyone can live with…

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