Thursday, August 29, 2019

Going solar?

As someone who used to be an “early adopter”, I’m not holding a candle to my former self when it comes to solar power. There are still no photo-voltaic panels siting on my roof and if it were not for the future of an electric car in my household, my roof might remain undisturbed.

Blame this on the very low costs of electrical power in the United States vs. the rest of the world. Germany’s Kwh is quite expensive at 35 cents, Italy isn’t cheap either at 28 and France falls just below the 20 mark. In the USA, the average is about 13 while Utah is only 11 cent per Kwh.
Blame also my slow response to solar electric upon the fact that we have a new home with LED lighting, are only two occupants and don’t consume that many Kilowatts. This said, I’ve decided to be a good planetary citizen and do my part to reduce our carbon footprint, like many of my Park City neighbors have already done.

In fact I had no excuse for waiting so long; we have 250 sunshiny days each year over our little mountain paradise!

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