Monday, August 5, 2019

Saving the “rest”…

There's not a day that goes by without hearing about Football players dying prematurely, extreme sport practitioners killing or maiming themselves in attempting to surpass themselves or their peers, and the list goes on an on.

Sports and physical exercise are good as well as healthy, but where is too much simply too much? While this is a dimension quite hard to grasp when a person is below 60, it becomes an obvious and clear concern at 70, when most humans espouse a more defensive outlook and don’t enjoy as much putting “their lives on the line”.

Simple, but serious ailments like knee or shoulder injuries, bad hips and the like, can be the result of too much abuse or continued stress on the body. Sure, results vary widely depending on individuals, level of training, genetics, past accidents or special circumstances, but like our beloved automobiles, few escapes the toll of “high mileage”.

Mountain biking or regular cycling still attract me, but all my harsh encounters with the ground in recent years have made me much more aware of my increased fragility and of the time it takes to repair broken bones and torn up tissues. So, the end result is that I’m much more picky as to what my activity will be as I want to save myself for years of continued skiing fun!

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