Friday, August 9, 2019

How to beat Trump at his own game

Sometime we erroneously think that it will take a smart Alec Democrat presidential candidate to debate Trump and think of something impactful and witty to put him back where he belongs, but it seems to me that this approach alone won’t be sufficient.

Trump’s strategy is always to define his enemy, to attack first and attack big, even if it take the most outrageous lies and maneuvers. From their, his opponents can only react, but their response is often weak and never as intense as the words generally used by the Nation’s bully-in-chief. In summary the responses are too weak and far too defensive to have a lasting and potent impact.

Instead, Trump’s opponents should ratchet up the rhetoric and start the fight first, with outrageous assaults that are a notch above what Trump is capable of expressing. His successful adversary should define him in terms that are awful and that leave him little or now room to respond. It should be so bad that it would stun him and pin him in place.

Like for instance: “Nice try with your expensive suit, Mr President, too bad that you’re so fat!” This approach might require some serious training and the creative help of the best stand-up comedians in the country, but it’s the only way to shut the man up and neutralize his venom once and for all.

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