Monday, August 12, 2019

Tormentors and teachers (continued...)

The fact that adversity often bears the seeds of learning, if not success, is never lost on folks that have achieved a lot.

For every action there’s a reaction, and some people have a native propensity to turn slaps in the face into positive achievements.

True, the opposite exists; others will feel beat up abused, retreating and dwelling on their miseries for a long time and in some instances for a lifetime. The trick is to be able to use poor treatment as fuel for strength and personal growth.

This, clearly, isn’t a learned skill as it needs to be arrived at, through of a willing and logical decision-making process.

Our lives are not linear and are, most often, made of a succession of ups and downs, alternating suffering and joy, and it would seem that often there’s a symmetry between the intensity of these two elements, like the most intense the pain, the greater the joy.

At any rate, this form of learning is often the result of painstaking efforts or imposed suffering, whether the resulting pain is self-inflicted or is caused by a third party.

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