Friday, May 1, 2020

Don’t demonize China, replace it!

There isn’t a day that passes when I don’t hear that Trump is demonizing China, either for the virus it sent us or for some unfair trade practices.

Likewise, I keep getting emails inferring that Covid-19 is a Chinese conspiracy, that the country is overtly malevolent, or that we ought to boycott China altogether.
My take on this is slightly different in that I feel that if we don’t like the Chinese as our top manufacturer and supplier or even competitor we should replace them with someone else.

This could be the Vietnamese, the Indians, the Indonesians or their Malaysian neighbors, unless we’re a bit more gutsy, imaginative and inventive, to harness Artificial Intelligence (AI), or find enough robots to make labor costs a non-issue in the whole process.

AI and robots are likely to be at the center of our near future and why not mobilize the nation to harness these resources in order to gain independence from the Chinese if we can’t stand their way of doing business and their perceived belligerence?

When all is said and done, all is fair in love, and war, as well as in business, of course!

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