Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to get skiers’ attention?

Presently, both Alterra and Vail Resorts must be to their wits end, wondering how their multi-resorts, season passes will sell.

They’ve already engineered a few rebates to make up for a truncated 2019-20 season, along with some insurance program to go along with a post-Covid-19 uncertainty, but still, in the absence of clear business operating models, there is little eagerness or enthusiasm on the part of the season-pass purchasers, in view of early and arbitrary cut of dates.

In my view, there’s must be a better way to shake things up, break the public’s lingering anxiety, generate cash and excitement, than the lukewarm approach from the two ski-resorts behemoths.
This past Friday, “Portes du Soleil”, the largest international ski interconnect straddling France and Switzerland, offered 5,000 season ski passes at about half price, on a first-come, first-served basis, and sold them all within hours.

Fast, simple, noticeable and exciting!

This highly disruptive approach is the way to speak to skiers that are on the coronavirus fence and to steer enthusiasm…

Can both Alterra and Vail Resorts show the same creative imagination?

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