Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Low-risk Covid places in the USA...

Yesterday, the New York Times published a United States map showing, where there’s an increased risk for severe Covid-19 illness, by comparing it with the national average.

It was based on the estimated proportion of adults in each county who have one or more of these conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and chronic lung disease, using survey data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
During the current crisis, a majority of patients hospitalized with the viral outbreak, had one or more of these underlying health conditions.

This of course has nothing to do with an individual’s chance of catching the disease, but it shows that Summit County, Utah, where Park City is located is a rather privileged place.

I thought it was our dry air that preserved us, when in fact it seems to be our good physical shape.

One serious reason to avoid West Virginia; instead, a good one to live and stay put in Park City!

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