Monday, May 25, 2020

Extracting positive stuff out of this crisis

The terrible Covid crisis gives us two choices: Either, dwell on how bad things are and might be, or constructively plan to make our life as most satisfying as possible, no matter what the external circumstances are or will turn out to be.

This is vital, since the on-going bombardment of bad news has a deleterious effect on our mental health.

Not only does it paralyzes us, like the bite of a predator upon its prey, before it kills it, but it wastes our precious, limited time.

Better have a series of busy plans instead that can include exercise, sports, gardening, home-improvements, entertainment and a myriad of tasks that were always on our list but never, ever got our real attention.

It’s never been a better time to addressing those and getting them once and for all out of the way. There still will be plenty to do when the virus is vanquished...

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