Sunday, May 10, 2020

When uncertainty kills us

What should I be doing during this lock-down and pandemic period?

Learn Spanish, mathematics or Rocky Mountains mycology, among others things I’ve always wanted to know better, or simply do more projects around the house?

Of course, I should. I simply have no good excuse for my lack of motivation, except of course, Covid-19 that systematic culprit that’s been eroding my willpower and has put me into semi-permanent state of hibernation.

In fact, it’s not the microscopic virus, but the immense uncertainty that surrounds the pandemic, our absence of clear knowledge about the infection, it’s fuzzy calendar and watching the ignorance and hesitancy of our governments in the face of its devastating effects.

Uncertainty has a paralyzing power and it sucking any natural drive out of us. So, don’t feel too bad if things that should be taken care of aren’t handled around the house, kids aren’t quite home schooled as they should and a few things, here and there are falling through the cracks.

You’re simply witnessing the eroding power of uncertainty at work over you lives. Just relax, it may eventually pass...

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