Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Are older folks more obstinate?

When I watch Trump behaving I see plenty of stubbornness emanating out of his character. Some of it has to do with his “top dog personality” but his already terrible behavior gets exacerbated by his advanced age.
To me, being stubborn is, just like the stiffening of our soft tissues, joints and limbs, that spreads to a stiffening of the brain and its decision making process.

This, in a way, like aging parents that fight their kids to keep their independence, their old-folks idiosyncrasies, and their life-long way of doing things.

As Trump is sinking into old age, he his surrounded by increasingly younger people who want to advise him, using their innovative, modern ideas, but the man he’s resisting that push and retrenching himself into and even worst posture, just to assert his senior superiority, his independence and not give the impression that his authority is eroding.

In fact, it’s not just his authority, but his strong sense of control that for him, is absolute. Further, his transactional approach to day-to-day life, pits him in conflict with everyone and worsen his stubborn behavior. Moral of the story:

When there’s a possible alternative, never vote for a politician who’s above 65 years of age!

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