Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Trying to waking up sleepy old friends

The folks that were my comrades at the École Nationale d’Horlogerie, in Cluses, France, used to be a congenial group, but as all of them turned over 70 in the past few year, they have begun to retreat into hibernation.
As the disruptor and type A personality that I am, I couldn’t let that happen without at least bringing up a fight; so about four weeks ago, I initiated a Q&A contest to elicit some responses or, at the very least, some tangible proofs of life from my old buddies.

To my surprise it’s been hard, heartbreaking and disappointing, as participation and responses have been tepid, at the very best. Only a handful that always were the best and brightest showed their true colors.

Once more, this experiment of mine goes to show that it’s indeed impossible to bring a dead horse back to life!

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