Saturday, July 18, 2020

Trump supporters’ disingenuous judgment

As a person, Trump doesn’t pass the smell test.

The man isn’t a good businessman, he’s the antithesis of a salesman, he’s not a good human psychologist, the man is also profoundly evil and a boiling pool of negativity, and in the final analysis cannot be that smart either.

With this in mind, how can one explain his dwindling, but still enormous level of support? Could it be that his base isn’t able to judge people or that it finds great nuggets in that awful creature?

I would vote for the latter as I can’t reconcile myself with the possibility of even surviving with a judgment that should be so sick.
Trump’s base is ready to fake poor judgment in order to support and follow his abject leadership. This makes them worse than the Master they serve.

Hard to be friend with them, let alone have an honest and genuine interaction with them. A lost tribe indeed!

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