Friday, July 10, 2020

How to fall “right”

During my very active life, I’ve been in accidents on multiple occasions and fallen countless times. It happened on the road, inside farm vehicles, on bikes and of course, while skiing.

All along, I’ve either been very lucky or did the right things to escape death or permanent injury. This has led me to think that there might be, if we can help it, a right and a wrong way of falling.

What I think I’ve subconsciously learned through a plethora of falls was to totally relax myself and fall like a sack of beans. It’s true that every time I’ve fallen, my consciousness level was heightened to an amazing degree, so there’s some room left for some fast thinking, like choosing to avoid a dangerous impact area.

This, I believe has saved me from dying or becoming totally incapacitated. This said, most trauma specialists will advise people to lean forward into the fall in order to have some control over the desirable direction of the impact, whenever possible to fall sideways, on the butt and thighs.

Of course, try to protect the head, rolling to the side in a ball to further spread the impact… I guess, the list goes on, but on your upcoming fall, always try remember the above but by all means remain relaxed and make sure to take the few nanoseconds preceding the impact to wish yourself good luck!

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