Saturday, July 11, 2020

What makes biking fun…

I love to ski, walk and hike in the mountains, but cycling is even more special.

I’m talking about both mountain and road biking. On a bicycle, one can really cover a lot of ground in very little time, enjoy fantastic scenery and see countless and minute details that are totally missed while driving or being a passenger inside a car.

The thing that I like most though, is that it’s not a linear sport, with the variety of efforts that need to be produced and the variety of sensations afforded by just pedaling on flat areas, working hard on climbs, relaxing while coasting and getting thrilled during fast descents.

Again, this is true with both forms of cycling, but I must admit that mountain biking offers even more options like keeping up at high-speed with a winding single-track and clearing all kinds of unexpected obstacles!
Then, what’s holding me from not biking more? My past falls and injuries of course; these have made a searing impression on me. I’m not a fan of mechanical problems either, like flat tires or broken chains, but I should also remember that all roses have thorns...

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