Tuesday, March 14, 2023

JP Chatellard comes to visit…

This past week I dreamed that my old and now deceased friend, Jean-Pierre “JP” Chatellard, had come to visit me. 

The picture was so vivid, real and compelling that I was utterly confused. Even in my dream I remembered that JP had passed away in 2020, but I was so mixed-up and embarrassed that I begun to doubt that he had indeed left us, and wondered if his disappearance was just me being totally wrong. 

I couldn’t address that I knew he had passed away, as he was so lively, smiling and engaging during that encounter that I had to change my belief, thinking he was there for real. 

That disturbing apparition was enough to wake me up. 

What triggered that special dream? Perhaps the fact that Mikaela Shiffrin was about to shatter Ingemar Stenmark’s Ski World Cup victory record, and that JP was working with the Swedish champion in those days, but never had a dream ever appeared to me as so true and emotional as this one.

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