Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Thinking about taxes…

In America, tax season is upon us and with it, family discussions about that government requirement that we must pay taxes to keep our (very expensive) Nation running smoothly. 

I’ve recently read that for the year 2022, the US federal income tax brackets range from 10% to 37%. Back in 2018, the top 50% of taxpayers paid 97.1% of all federal income taxes and among them, the average income tax rate was 14.6% with an average tax paid of $20,663. 

This said, Americans love to “avoid” paying too much taxes. Big corporation lead the way by showing some intricate examples of “engineering” their tax situation by paying nothing. How then can you expect the average American to pay their fair share willingly and happily?

I’ve always said to my family that I wish I paid millions of dollars in taxes every year, as it would indicate that I’m making plenty of money, but no one seems to be moved or inspired by my heartfelt, hypothetical, fiscal generosity. 

Even my own offspring seem to have fallen for that American sport consisting at minimizing their tax bite at any cost. Well, this won’t change my view on the matter as I can proudly proclaim that I’m done with my taxes for 2022. 

I don’t think I’ll pay excessively and I feel quite good about this annual exercise!

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