Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Trumps stunning numbers are in!

A couple days ago, the United States broke the 500,000 death from Covid-19, a lasting testimony of Trumps terrible crisis-management skills. 

Okay, I won’t mention the Belgians, Brits and Spaniards that have scored even worse than us. Granted, George W. Bush had 500,000 Iraqis killed because of his ill-conceived war, but these were foreigners, and to be fair to the Donald, he wasn’t able to do as bad in terms of total human toll. 

We can only say that he’s responsible for a good 300,000 of our domestic pandemic deaths, if we were to compare us to Canada, and logically assume that our neighbor to the North is culturally and economically comparable to our Great Country. 

Of course, we’re not trying to compare us to Germany, in which case, Trumps personal liability would jump to over 400,000 deaths; that’s a lot of blood on our ex-dictator “small hands”. 

Too bad too few folks in the media remind us of that horrible reality...

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