Monday, February 1, 2021

Aging skiers must soldier on…

If that older person sliding on boards still want to have fun, everything must absolutely become more economical in their movements and must become as “subtle” as he or she can manage. 

This is not a new concept to me. With age comes the crying need for the utmost economy of physical strength that implies not only to evolve like a feather on snow, but also avoid falling down as much as possible (“at any cost” would be highly desirable but remain a “stretch!”). 

Ever so softly, the older skier must keep on pushing the envelope and if pushing feels out of the question, it must at the very least keep it as it is, and never accept going into reverse. 

Finally, the older skier must never acknowledge defeat, and should events turn bad or unpleasant, he or she should do it again, as a way to exorcise the event, so the door never closes. 

With this good, solid advice from someone who literally is in your ski boots, enjoy the rest of your winter skiing! 

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