Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A two-state “solution” will never work!

It's been my long-held opinion that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the reason why we're stuck in Afghanistan. I also think that a “two-state solution” is a pipe-dream and a product of political compromise that will never work economically and politically if we consider that the 11 million inhabitants of the region are equally split between Jews and Arabs, but that the former enjoy 80% of the land and a per capita GDP ten times greater than the latter.

It's time for Israel to give up its status of “Jewish State, ” become inclusive and emancipate its entire Arab population including its Palestinian enclaves and let the refugees return. Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't want it and instead wants to buy time, hoping among other things that Obama will only be a one-term president. Yet, a two-state solution won't happen if we don't return to the 1967 borders and maintain interfaith access to Jerusalem. The world has already enough serious problem without tolerating that stalemate and it's time for our leadership to muster enough courage to tell the Israeli government what to do.

No political pundit and head of government ever thought that the Berlin Wall would fall; it's time to change our paradigm about the middle-east and embrace a secular one-state solution integrating both Israelis and Palestinians. What happened in Germany shows that “Gated Communities” never work and are a thing of the past in this global age. If you disagree with that view, let's discuss it.

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