Jesus: Hi! Is it you Go11? I see you've got snow coming to Park City...
Go11: Right, but we're not expecting much; how have you been?
Jesus: Not too busy; it's the off-season there too. What's on your mind?
Go11: The Copenhagen summit on the environment. Do you really buy this global warming trend?
Jesus: You bet; with you and the Chinese spewing so much bad staff into the upper atmosphere, what else can you expect?
Go11: Okay, could you slow it down? I'd still want to ski for a few more seasons...
Jesus: When I see a Prius inside your garage, maybe we'll have a constructive conversation.
Go11: I know, I'm a bit of a procrastinator, but on the whole, I'm pretty good. I recycle, compost, grow my own salads, don't water my lawn and have installed new furnaces this spring...
Jesus: You should have gone geothermal!
Go11: Right, but it was three times the cost and the tax-credits were not really worth it...
Jesus: Never heard something as dumb as that. Your tax breaks more valuable than the environment!
Go11: Well your dad started it all when he said to Adam and Eve “grow and multiply,” we're now six and a half billion on this planet!
Jesus: My dad never quite said that, besides he warned that man should be “good steward to the earth” and if the first couple had deciphered the fine print on the other side of the warning label, you know the one that says "illegal to remove," it clearly stated “maximum occupancy: 2 billion.” I realize that Adam and Eve couldn't read, but your grand-parents were able to. You guys are a bunch of cry-babies!
Go11: Alright, don't get mad; how can we fix that?
Jesus: Raise more predators to get rid of the excess population, re-introduce tigers and lions in big city streets, pour tons of sharks and alligators around Malibu, St. Tropez and the other beach resorts and let pumas and grizzlies roam bars, shops and ski runs in your mountain ski towns. You'll see a dent in population really fast!
Go11: I see what you mean, but that's not quite "PC" and it's real hard to implement. Can't you intervene, say in a more godly way?
Jesus: I've tried the tsunami thing, but the earth internal pipes have become so corroded that the whole thing hit people that didn't deserve it and I won't try it again, at least for a moment. Besides, I'm done with miracles; It's time for you to clean up your own mess!
Go11: Thanks for being so helpful, Jesus!
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