Friday, March 8, 2019

Anything can be “art” but at different levels...

There isn't a day that goes by, when I don't see some kind of “art” promoted in the media.

Some of it I like, some is good and most is bad. I guess art is in the eye, hears or other senses, of the beholder and its quality varies vastly from nothingness to perfection.

Nature in lots of ways is fabulous art. Some birds build gorgeous looking nests. Yet, human-made “art” varies an awful lot, ranging from mediocrity to divine beauty.

When art is promoted it gets more traction and, if it's done well, it can quickly become over-valued. This is the wonder of good salesmanship and savvy marketing.

So what can we take-away from this? Simply, that if we appreciate something, if it touches us and communicates well with who we are, it can become art to us.

The process is mostly personal and don't let art critics or pundits try to tell you otherwise.

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