Saturday, March 30, 2019

Brexit, May and me

It's quite difficult for most people to fully understand, yet alone follow, the soap opera that is being displayed in front of the world by the British government.

The mess began with David Cameron, when he decided, for political reasons, to hold the Brexit referendum.

As the results were the opposite of what Cameron expected, he had no choice but resign. Gladly, it seemed, Theresa May jumped into the Prime Minister seat, eager to implement Brexit as her signature achievement, but was probably not up to a job no one else wanted.
Far too stubborn and a bad communicator to boot, May wasn't the kind of salesman the U.K. needed to convince a majority of Members of Parliament to follow her lead, notwithstanding the fact that she promised that she'd extract a lot from the European Community, when the later had no reason to be overly generous to her and she realized that she over-promised and under-delivered.

The morale of the story is that a good Statesman need first and foremost to be shrewd salesmen, much more so than being just smart or just have a long political career.

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