Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sloppy deal-making vs. hard-earned negotiating

Our President defines himself as a professional and skilled deal-maker, but the outcome of his very costly (to his taxpayers) and failed trip to Vietnam, to meet Kim Jong-un, shows that he's woefully incapable of negotiating at high, international level.

A meeting like this one should have been carefully prepared by skilled negotiators on either sides, but obviously, Mr. Trump knew better, had no patience for letting associates do the ground work, and didn't want to invest any of his time in getting down to details instead of watching Fox News and CNN.

Instead, he thought he could wing it and win the high-stake encounter. It just didn't work; the North Korean tyrant-child won the debate.
At head-of-state level, this is called incompetence and shows that Donald Trump might have been good at Reality TV, but he simply doesn't have the mettle to be President of the United States.

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