Sunday, March 3, 2019

Two tales about work

A former classmate from France recently sent me two videos illustrating the good and the bad linked to modernity.

They were separate which make them more work to watch, and I pieced them together for illustrating this blog. In many way both illustrate what I have called “quality growth” on one hand and “quantity growth”, the one that's served to us daily, on the other.

The first part of the clip shows the good, that I'd say is constructive, enhancing and adding to the wealth and comfort we already enjoy. Sure its much more costly, requires lots of time, research and development.

The second is risky, laced with greed, based on shortcuts of all kinds, potentially destructive and costly. It is also unfortunately iconic of the world in which we live.
It seems to me that there's plenty of room and potential wealth in qualitative growth!

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