Thursday, March 28, 2019

How hard is it to be positive?

Well it depends. In fact, it depends a lot.

If one's healthy, wealthy and socially happy, then it's particularly easy to belong to that select club. But if something or anything important is missing or is going wrong, staying positive becomes much more taxing.

Sometimes, it maybe downright impossible. So it's indeed a matter of degree. If I try to boast that I'm a positive person, I don't deserve much merit for it because of my easy life.

I have a very good friend who suffered a terrible ski accident almost a decade ago, that left him quadriplegic and who's the most positive person I've ever known, and in spite of all the challenges that life has now placed across his way, he continues to be a brightly optimistic.

Compared to his, my enthusiasm for life is dimmed!

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