Friday, March 22, 2019

The World Happiness Report

This morning, I heard on the radio that the 2019 Happiness Report had been released by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

I was hoping to see Trump's America on top of the list but it wasn't. Instead, it was the “usual suspects” in other words, mostly the Scandinavian nations reaping the honor. This report, released two days ago, focuses on on the relation between happiness and migration.

Accordingly, Finland is, for the second year in a row, the happiest country in the world, with Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and the Netherlands holding the next top positions among 156 countries.

All the nations ranked on top tend to have high values for key variables found to support well-being, like income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity.

As for the United States, it slipped from 18th to 19th while France, my country of birth, didn't make it on the top 20 (I know it was 23rd last year...)

Of course, there's always next year's ranking, but let's recognize that both Macron and Trump have their work cut out for them if they they dreamed to hoist their respective country into the top 10.

As for me, I feel totally happy; okay, I should say, just like a Finn!

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