Thursday, March 14, 2019

Mixed up ski passes!

Just picture this: It's 1 pm, there's lots of new powder, I rush to go skiing, get ready, drive over to Park City Mountain, find the only parking spot free just near the lift, somehow ride the first one and 10 minutes later as I'm ready to ride the second one, the guy scanning me doesn't let me in as he can't read my pass.

I open up my jacket just enough to realize that I picked the Ikon instead of the Epic pass, the one needed. The day before I skied Deer Valley and had left the wrong pass on top of the pile...
Discouraged, I returned to the car, took off my boots and drove to the grocery store to pick up a few items I had to bring home upon my return.

Then, even though it was now 2:15 pm, I realized that it was too good a powder day to leave it unskied. I turned around, repeated the previous routine with the right pass and had a fabulous afternoon!

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