Saturday, March 23, 2019

Fear of dying?

There's always validation found in numbers, remembers when we used to rationalize our desires by saying: “Everyone does it!” Well, we always forget to apply that reasoning to death.

That's true, though, all over the world, about 150,000 people die each day and to date, it's estimated that more than 100 billion humans have passed since our specie began.

Beside the legitimate fear of missing out (FoMO), we're certainly concerned about being the only one dying, since we generally do this alone, yet the above, huge numbers should make us feel in very good company as we face our own demise.
This viewpoint should help us go through that crucial moment as long as we remember it. I will agree that there are fewer, more adventurous folks that may see dying it as the ultimate thrill, the big jump into the unknown, without a parachute.

I'd tend to think that I belong to that group, because of my insatiable curiosity and my adrenaline addiction. True, I don't expect to find much on the “other side”, but I still remain curious...

This also leads me to say that the more religious people appear to be, the more they are terrorized by this forced conclusion, which raises plenty of questions about the depth of their faith, since most belief systems promise lots of good news with some kind of resurrection, paradise and eternal happiness...

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